Artiste Training Course

Total Entertainment Arts Joint's Artiste Training Course , a professional training course that includes vocal techniques, dance movements, language skills, image grooming, instrumental play-and-sing, recording studio experience, music industry knowledge, etc.

Audition to join our training & be groomed to become a celebrity!! You may audition as an individual artiste, or as a band. Successful applicants will be informed of their audition details via email.

- Be styled, groomed & taught all rounded and dynamic performing techniques
- Be multi-talented: other than vocals and/or guitar, pick up other skills such as keyboard, drums, beatbox, etc within this course
- Learn multi-achieving skills which you can use to be an all rounded Singer, Artiste or Instructor
- Acquire an outstanding & overwhelming stage presence in all kind of crowds, venues & occasions
- Opportunities to do performances, events, recordings and many more


