Song Writing Course

Have you always been interested in writing your very own music? Have you ever wonder how a piece of song is put together, lyrics, melody, arrangement & more?

Here is a course that will shed lights on what you have been puzzled about all the while!

Join our instructors as they take you through the pathway of music & embark on a journey of amazement!


您对音乐写作感兴趣吗?? 您是否一直对一首歌曲从创作到诞生的过程有着莫大的疑问?展现您音乐写作才华的机会来了。让我们的导师带您一起探索歌曲的背后创作过程,从谱曲,填词,编排,到唱kala! 在这个课程中,您将亲自体验创作与唱出属于您个人的作品!

想预知更多如何通过这个管道发表您的音乐作品的讯息!! 请联系我们查询!