Pop Piano Course

Learn different playing techniques, chords, melody & harmony. Listen to running music & play your favorite tune by ear. Pick up pop piano in the most efficient way in the shortest time frame & more!

Unlike classical piano where the pianist relies on scores to bring through his music, a pop pianist develops a song through chord progressions and improvisations. Hence, pop piano is more dynamic as there is no fixed way of playing a piece. The result of how a song eventually sounds depends on how the pianist chooses to improvise it.

The course also adopts a unique yet highly innovative approach that allows students to learn songs that they like. Outstanding students will be given opportunities to perform in public showcase.

  • Beginner Term 1 (For Individual with no prior knowledge)
  • Beginner Term 2
  • Intermediate Term 1
  • Intermediate Term 2
  • Advance Term 1
  • Advance Term 2
  • Group (18 Lessons Per Term)
  • Idividual (12 Lessons Per Term)
(*Applies for all level)

Students can expect to learn:
  • Chord progressions
  • Music Theory
  • Accompaniment style & arrangement
  • Practical techniques
  • Students who have grasped the techniques of pop piano may eventually be able to compose their own tunes.
A certificate of accomplishment will be awarded upon the completion of each term.